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In an attempt to get more details about the application process of my ideal schools, I visited NESO. Surprisingly, there're only 3 employees but they carry out substantial archive for students' reference. The education officers are very enthusiastic and fervent persons, though they call themselves "redundant personnel"; and they provided valuable information, ironically, which makes me ambivalent.  On one hand I'm so attracted by the diversity programs & student/ alumni backgound, on the other hand I doubt whether I'm on the right track.  Notwithstanding my hesitation, as the saying goes, 箭在弦上... there is no turning back!

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An exciting reality show, in which young and capable entrepreneurs competing with each other try not to be fired, is produced by Donald Trump. The survivor of the competition will be awarded a dream job in The Trump Organization with hefty salary.


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Accompanied by Lillian, I joined the Tosat Master meeting tonight for my first time.
I like their slogan -- "Step out of the comfort zone".

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從來沒有像這次出國一樣   事前完全沒有做功課就出門了
也許是因為這是第二次去巴里島   也許是因為同行的遊伴們已經去過 N次了

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這本小說陪我度過我的五天四夜 Count Down 2005 in BALI
像"達文西密碼"的不能釋手    像"賽德克巴萊"的起雞皮疙瘩+掉眼淚

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Year 2005 .....

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為了打發時間 找聖誕禮物 查旅遊資訊 買一些有的沒有的書+DVD

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今天去看小潔的貝比   何振寰說他兒子要取名叫"何子彈"   這個我喜歡!!
幫小朋友取名字真的很有趣   算筆劃翻字典原來也不簡單

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今天去慈湖 一下車就被眼前所見嚇了一跳
遠遠望去入口的一片空地  硬生生的站了幾十個蔣公銅像 

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